
BluePoint Venture Marketing was founded in 2004 to provide outsourced marketing consulting and services for technology, healthcare and financial services companies around the world. BluePoint’s clients have included over 100 companies of all sizes, most headquartered in the US, but also companies in the U.K., France, Asia and the Middle East who seek to enter or build business in the U.S. market.

Core Offering
- Accelerate revenue and profit growth by clearly defining strategic market position and developing highly effective marketing/sales operations
- Devise new or burnish existing brands, build out marketing infrastructure, and create strategies to achieve key business objectives which may include new company launch, scaling sales and marketing, repositioning, developing strategic marketing plans or preparing for acquisition

Key Differences
- Unlike traditional agencies or consultants, the approach is to develop teams and build know-how WITHIN your organization and turn the reins over when it’s appropriate
- While every client’s starting point will always be with its founder, Alison Moore, BluePoint offers a robust virtual team of independent specialists that can be tapped to address specific marketing challenges including specific program implementation across direct marketing, PR, social media and events

Background on Alison Moore
- Founder and Managing Director, BluePoint Venture Marketing – Started BluePoint in 2004 to offer strategic consulting and outsourced marketing services to growing technology, healthcare and financial services companies
- Founder, Moore Communications – Sole proprietorship founded in 1994 to offer range of marketing services from high-level marketing strategy and planning to hands-on project management. Clients included Battery Ventures, IBM, H-P Medical Products Group, Harvard Community Health Plan, BladeLogic, Optiant and @stake
- Lotus Development Corporation – Managed $10 million advertising program for Lotus Notes, cc:Mail, and leading desktop software products
- Early agency experience managing client relationships and services at DeLamarter & Bennette (Advertising), Cipriani Kremer (Design) and Agnew, Carter, McCarthy (PR)